Next stage in development of solidarity & volunteer tourism in Ukraine.

Together with colleagues we signed the Memorandum and declared our participation in the Network Cooperation on the protection of the Cultural Heritage of Ukraine by means of solidarity and volunteer tourism in the context of the solidarity economy in war and post-war times within USAID Project “Economic Support of Ukraine” 

The main goal is “to unite the efforts of all interested parties to support the development of culture and preventing the destruction of the Cultural Heritage of Ukraine due to the full-scale military aggression of Russia and to create a communication platform between the business environment, communities, educational institutions, “third party” organizations, state institutions, grant-giving organizations, representatives of the international community, regarding the development of solidarity and volunteer tourism as an innovative the concept of revival of tourism and support of territorial communities in war and post-war times in Ukraine”

Ukrainian Incentives DMC takes following obligations together from colleagues from travel industry:

– development of travel routes for affected regions and places of memory, considering the necessary ethical boundaries and rules and preliminary discussions with the local community about the importance of investment and publicity to avoid further trauma from potential tourists’ visits

– training of guides that will work with solidarity tours in the affected regions and places of memory

– promoting the preservation of places of memory

– working on security issues and finding relevant organizations that can provide certified confirmation that the territories/locations planned for visiting and volunteer tourism are cleared of dangerous and/or explosive objects, the mine-free zones, etc.