Solidarity event in Dobropark, de-occupied part of Kyiv region

A year ago this territory was deoccupied and it became possible to see all ruinations and damage here, in this landscape park and in village Motyzhin, where it is located. There were awful days, but thousands of tulips, planted in autumn before war, started to bloom,...

Quite often question: what are examples of solidarity events

Quite often question: what are examples of solidarity events Yesterday, together with lot of colleagues and organizations – members of Network of development of solidarity & volunteer tourism in Ukraine, we planted trees on the embankment of Irpin, town in Kyiv...

Meet us at Balttour 2023

We will be part of Ukraine booth at Balttour in Riga on 03-05FEB2023 Meet Marina Antonyuk there at booth K5   At Ukrainian Incentives booth at Balttour 2023 you can - participate in daily draw of art souvenir and win 1 creative set for painting of Ukrainian artists...

Kyiv was listed among World Best Cities as 2023 Honorary Best City

Kyiv was listed among World Best Cities as 2023 Honorary Best City (c) The historic Ukrainian capital is the urban beacon of courage and resilience leading a defiant nation against a murderous aggressor. It is, like the rest of Ukraine, a place of inexhaustible...

Rehabilitation camps for Ukrainian children

Nowadays we are focused on volunteering and social needs. As board member of Associaion we actively support this initiative and fundraising for rehabilitation camps for Ukrainian children. It is easy to help! Together with Association of Incoming Tour Operators we...

Тарутинський Степ. Невідома Бесарабія

Невідома Бессарабія. Новий Еко культурний туристичний маршрут "Тарутинський степ", створений за підтримки Українського культурного фонду, пролягає самим півднем Одеської області. Серцем маршруту є центр сільського зеленого туризму Фрумушика-Нова, з його смачною...

Google for Tourism

Google for tourism – course for Ukrainian small and average tourism business of different level of online presence. Our director Marina Antonyuk is one of the speakers and will tell some practical cases of what we, in Ukrainian Incentives, do in this area, along with...

Курс Google для туризму

Курс Google для туризму

21.09.21 наш директор Марина Антонюк виступить гостьовим спікером в сесії про інструменти інтернет-маркетингу та трохи розповість саме про наш досвід на курсі Google для туризму курс із розвитку цифрових навичок для туристичного бізнесу. Курс, організований компанією...