Contact us for more information and RFP for Ukraine:
Phone: +38 044 570 3050
+38 050 1470207 (mobile)
Now we are working mostly from home, so better to contact us by mobile or in messengers
E-mail: u-in@ukrainian-incentives.com.ua
Address: 02068, Kyiv, str.O.Koshytsya 1/38, office 519/1
Open: 10.00-18.00 Monday – Friday, except public holidays
Join us at FB: https://www.facebook.com/Dmc.Ukrainian.Incentives
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ukrainian-incentives-dmc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ukrainian_DMC
Touristic License # 1921, issued on 16 of November 2016

Marina Antonyuk: Tourism is the way to change world for better!
Collect moments, not things. We create great moments for you in Ukraine
Phone: +380501470207 (mobile)
E-mail: m.antonyuk@ukrainian-incentives.com.ua

Liudmila Simoroz: dream to show beauty of Ukraine to the world
Phone: +38 050 9284610 (mobile)
E-mail: simoroz@ukrainian-incentives.com.ua

Maria Dudko
Phone: +38 063 5062276 (mobile)
E-mail: m.dudko@ukrainian-incentives.com.ua