What types of events our clients arranged in 2024?
Despite of war, Ukrainian business is working and requires business events.
2024 was quite busy with a big variety. What our clients asked to arrange in 2024?
✅️ Corporate conferences in Ukraine
✅️ Charity fundraising events for Ukraine abroad
✅️ Big international conference with foreign speakers in Ukraine
✅️ Regular planning and strategic sessions with facilitators
✅️ Corporate trainings on tactical medicine and team-buildings, which included making defence nets and special trench candles in winter times.
✅️ Presentations of research results in different spheres
✅️ Made in Ukraine: wine & craft products tastings for promoting and supporting local craft producers
✅️ Explored authentic places of Ukraine for corporate meetings
✅️ Mental health was also hot topic for corporate events and i believe, this trend will continue in 2025
✅️ Sustainable events with tree planting
✅️ Small incentive trips for re-charging
✅️ Football teams’ travel
✅️ Charity exhibitions “100 Motanka dolls for Peace” for fundraising and promoting Ukrainian culture abroad
✅️ Charity art-therapeutical master-classes “Art Heals” for Ukrainian children, living in temporary shelters
✅️ Participation in exhibitions abroad, we all work on Ukrainian export
✅️ and smallest drop of foreign visitors 🙂
That’s shortly about 2024.
Hoping for 2025 to be busy and efficient too: old & new partners and clients, new tenders, new partnerships, new challenges, new MICE events.
What were your events in 2024? How are trends in your countries? Please, share with us. Would be really interesting to know.

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