Курс Google для туризму

Курс Google для туризму

21.09.21 наш директор Марина Антонюк виступить гостьовим спікером в сесії про інструменти інтернет-маркетингу та трохи розповість саме про наш досвід
на курсі Google для туризму курс із розвитку цифрових навичок для туристичного бізнесу. Курс, організований компанією Google, стартував 9 вересня, але найцікавіше – попереду.

Курс має декілька рівней складності в кожній темі, тож буде корисним і якщо Ви ще не онлайн, а тільки плануєте, а також Ви знайдете для себе корисне, якщо Ви давно онлайн, але завжди виходять нові корисні інструменти.

Упродовж курсу Ви дізнаєтеся, як зробити Ваш бізнес помітним онлайн, створити й розвивати сайт, що привертає увагу клієнтів, а також використовувати цифрові інструменти для маркетингу та робочих процесів.

Курс розроблений експертами в галузі для власників, керівників і маркетологів малого та середнього туристичного бізнесу: готелів, курортів, кафе, ресторанів, туристичних агенцій, крамниць, місць туристичної привабливості.

Під час курсу учасники:

  • дізнаються, як використовувати цифрові інструменти Google для розвитку й розширення бізнесу;
  • отримають практичні знання від експертів із реклами, соціальних мереж, оптимізації сайтів, фотосправи та інструментів Google;
  • почують історії успішного досвіду застосування цифрових технологій від представників бізнесів;
  • отримають відповіді на свої запитання від тренерів.

Курс має три рівні складності й буде корисним як для тих, чий бізнес ще не представлений онлайн, так і для тих, хто вже вийшов в онлайн. 98% учасників попереднього курсу зазначили його практичну користь.

Реєстрація на курс та огляд програми доступні за цим посиланням. Ви можете зареєструватися на весь курс або лише на ті тренінги, які Вам цікаво відвідати.

До зустрічі онлайн!

We are Ukraine’s Leading Destination Management Company 2020, according to WTA version

We are proud to announce that this year UKRAINIAN INCENTIVES became a #WINNER as Ukraine’s Leading Destination Management Company 2020

02nd of November 2020 Europe Winners were announced!

World Travel Awards – the global initiative to recognize and reward #excellence in travel and tourism – has announced the winners of its Europe 2020 programme to coincide with its inaugural Europe Winners Day

#WorldTravelAwards #Ukraine #UkrainianIncentives #MICE #Incentives #Ukrainian #travel #award




How we use VR in MICE events in Ukraine

We continue to talk about #Virtual and #VR events.

Before #quarantine we used #VR only as a part of offline events

Story A: as entertainment at offline events

Story B: even part of city #excursions.

In #Kyiv we have St.Andrew’s walking #tour, which includes VR-stop to see story of one #house and listen a piece of modern Opera.

Due to limited number of #goggles, available for FIT’s and small groups only. But now we can #deliver part of this city #experience directly to your home. Who is interested, let me know, I will send you the link.

Also if you #plan to do same things in your #city, remember, that #production is much cheaper in #Ukraine, rather than in other #European countries. If you are interested in producing modern #Opera of your city in VR, contact our partner: Hronotop.UA

Story C: started with quarantine only.

Pure VR event, when #participants go to VR specially for #presentation and #networking (not after them like in was before). How to implement?

If you want to make it in #Ukraine, we will gladly organize it for you.
If you are interested, how to arrange it in your city, we can share our #experience with you, so you can do the same.

For both reasons, send us short e-mail: m.antonyuk@ukrainian-incentives.com.ua

#corporate #conference #events #Ukrainian #incentives #Ukraine #MICE #travel #destination #incentive #VRvsOffline #tourism #presentation #HronotopUA #Hronotop


How to activate networking at online-events

Yes, most of the people (like we do) come to online #conference for helpful content only.
But what if this is your internal  event or seminar and you need to bring people close together.


-> different virtual rooms for professional #communication only,

where you can communicate and listen to main session simultaneously) : digital-bar, VIP-rooms (also for tickets with different access), speakers-lounges 

-> #P2P format and specially dedicated time for meet-up and acquaintance.  

How to arrange this?
For example, participants can tick special button on the event web-page  or in chat-bot and separate P2P room created, where they can some other participants and make “intro”.

-> #ChatRoulette

drawn at random participants introduce themselves and communicate several minutes in separate mini-chats.  

-> use #gamification for networking:

For example:
– announce prizes for best pictures, best stories, best reference, best selfie together during this event (yes-yes, this is also possible already)
– advertise content in closed rooms: VIP-room
– offer wine vouchers of famous wine-shops (and food delivery too) at digital-bars
– offers prizes and prize draw speakers-lounges 

-> create your own ideas and opportunities, connected to your business for your best ever #corporate online-event!

How to enhance your Online #Event: read in our previous posts and also at https://www.facebook.com/ukrainian.incentives

#MICE #Ukraine ##incentive #destination #conference #корпоратив  #корпоративное мероприятие

How to enhance your Online #Event:

Online and #VRevents are our new #reality. At least, for few upcoming months. We hope, that live #events will return soon. But what to do now?

Some quite usual offline #event moments, which you (or we for you) can arrange in your next #online #conference:

– several #speakers in different conference rooms – of course, you know this. How else we can use online separate rooms?
VIP-room for people with different #tickets, #digital #bar for people to communicate inside (lections are going in parallel) – everything, like in real life. But who said that online is not #RealLife?

And do you know that:

-> invited #sponsors can have video #booth, separate page with all materials, #networking in separate chat or video-call directly from sponsors room. Don’t forget to use #gamification, at least, prize drawing for best picture, for best comment, for best #reference in social media.

-> it is possible to arrange #photozone, where several participants can have picture together, like in #reality

-> #scribing of #speakers #presentations work perfectly instead of paper #notebooks, which you distributed usually at the beginning of your offline #conference before. Perfect #reminder for #participants.

How to activate #networking at online-events: in our next posts and also at https://www.facebook.com/ukrainian.incentives

#MICE #Ukraine ##incentive #destination #conference #корпоратив  #корпоративное мероприятие

VR-travel around Ukraine

Do you miss #travelling, like we do?

Cool opportunity now to try #VR-travel at https://ukraine360.org/
Even simplest like google cardboard will work for this, but, of course, great if you have good Oculus, you would see #Ukraine like we see it in reality.
Ukraine is biggest country in Europe and even if you’ve been to our energetic #Kyiv or always charming #Lviv, most probably, you haven’t seen our green and recharging #Carpathian #mountains or gorgeous #medieval #Castles like Kamenets-Podilskiy or #Khotyn.
Worth to try now!

For #Ukrainian clients, we can arrange #corporate #VR-events by delivering VR-sets (and not only) to each participant personally (desinfected, of course) to #immerse into new type of corporate #events.
For our internation partners, you can offer same to your clients, i am sure, you also have enough suppliers in your country.

#Ukrainian #Travel #VRtravel #tourism #virtual #Kyiv #Lviv #Odessa #Carpathians #incentive #MICE #groups

Travel Agent’s Survival during #covid19. Ukrainian Edition.

Well… can imagine that you’ve tired of news about covid-19. We too.

But together with this, as all of us in MICE travel business, we appreciate exchange of ideas and solutions, how to survive for travel agencies during this corona-crisis.

Shortly about situation in Ukraine: we have less than 10 cases now, but preventively country is closed and all flights are stopped. We know that some countries implemented TAX HOLIDAYS FOR TRAVEL BUSINESS and you are lucky if you are from these countries. We are not, but we united and pushed to negotiate the same with our government. And succeded. You can do the same.

As all travel is suspended and all mass events (over 50 pax) were cancelled already last week (till yestreday), we offered to our local corporate clients to make SMALL SUSTAINABLE EVENTS OUTDOORS: to plant the trees and make other eco-activities. Some of clients agreed. Some of them are thinking to make it later. Anyway, sustainability is global trend (or was before covid-19) and lot of international corporate companies need to report about their global responsibility.  So if they don’t buy now, you can create relations for nearest future.
If you are interested in our sustainable events, you can look here: https://www.slideshare.net/Ukrainian_Incentives/your-next-sustainable-corporate-event

If to talk less globally, delivery of food increased 50% everywhere.
Can we DELIVER MICE-EXPERIENCE to our client’s homes of offices?
For example, to make and deliver WINE-TASTING to people’s home. It’s not a sommelier in a medical mask. It is a sommelier online-lessons together with nice box of small wine bottles, which are mentioned in the lessons, of course. Delivered together: box offline (if your country allows it) and  lessons online.

Sell GIFT CERTIFICATES  for partners services (hopefully, not only pharmacies, but  also for some MICE-experience).
Get money now and activate later. Valid 6 or 12 months after activation.
Also it is possible to offer discount in this way: pay 500 EUR now and get services for 600 EUR upon activation. Yes, you have to calculate, how to implement it. But also you do need some money now, don’t you?

Can we DELIVER TRAVEL? Probably, only VR now.
But we can use it as entertainment for our clients, sitting homes and as a teaser for their next incentive travel.
Here are VR about Ukraine: https://ukraine360.org/
Please, include us into your shared VR-playlist.
You can even send to your clients simplest VR-glasses, like google cardboard https://arvr.google.com/cardboard/  not to feel them lonely in quarantine.

DELIVER EXPERIENCE to client’s homes. We all used to provide real incentive experience to our clients.  But now we can do it only online.
You can create and sell some lessons about  experience of your country or some interesting destinations.
Or you can sell our online-products.
We are creating now mini-series of lessons about UKRAINIAN CULTURAL EXPERIENCE, which can be delivered home:
– special Petrykivskiy painting style (painting is perfect cure from stress)

Ukrainian cooking lessons (lot of people in quarantine have to cook at home. Why not to try somthing new now?)

Easter Eggs Pysanka Painting (Easter is coming anyway)

Please, answer this e-mail if you are interested in selling these Ukrainian lessons to your clients

Well…on one hand, we all in travel business desperately need to sell smth already now, but on other hand, lot of channels open resources for free now. But you can strengthen relations with clients by providing some helpful webinars or free online lessons.
For example, what are MICE-possibilities of  Ukraine for your future corporate travel 😉 here:

And you? Do you have any ideas, which you implement in your country?
Let’s share and save travel business around the world!

We hope that this newsletter will extend our solidarity with you in these challenging times and will give you some ideas. We would be happy if you find them helpful, at least a little. Let us know if yes to support us also 🙂

Maybe it’s been weeks, months or even years that we have had the honor of getting to know you. You engaged with us at an event, we met you at international exhibition or maybe spoke with one of our team members. Over time we have tried to understand you a little and send only delivering relevant content with information about new destination, which may need in your daily work.

With GDPR enforcement came in May 2019, we want to make sure that we are taking the necessary steps to protect your privacy and ensure that you are only receiving communication on things that interest and helpful for you. So, can we still be friends?
Nothing should be done if you still want to receive our e-mails.
If not, please, unsubscribe below. And hope, we will meet again in future, when you need it.

Winter ideas for MICE-groups in Ukraine

Winter in Ukraine is cold, often snowy and frosty. But  it is also nice time for MICE-events with both outdoor and indoor activities.
Here is just short list of ideas for winter season (and, of course, we have more ideas in the pocket 😉  

send RFP for your free proposal for MICE group


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