Do we celebrate World Tourism Day in Ukraine now?
UNWTO has identified investments as one of the key priorities for tourism’s recovery and future growth and development.
For World Tourism Day 2023, UNWTO highlights the need for more and better-targeted investments for people, for planet and for prosperity. Now is the time for new and innovative solutions, not just traditional investments that promote and underpin economic growth and productivity.
We keep pace with UNWTO, focusing on sustainability and future tourism’s recovery.
At World Tourism Day participated in symposium of Kyiv trade and economic professional college of state trade University. Sustainability in tour operators’ activity was the topic of the lesson for students of the tourism department of Kyiv trade and economics university.
We continue to act within our sustainability policy despite of the circumstances.

Academy of Hospitality of Kyiv
Preparing for the future now as we can predict that lack of professional staff will be our problem, when tourism is back to Ukraine.
These days our director Marina Antonyuk participated as a speaker at educational session of Academy of Hospitality of Kyiv by Department of Tourism and Promotion of Kyiv city administration. Modul moderated by AITOU was dedicated to “Wow-effect in tourism”.
Our presentation “Solidarity & Volunteer tourism: helpful and bright experience” is a discussion if solidarity&volunteer tourism could also be bright. Definitely, it inspires by its responsible meaning with helpful activities for suffered communities and territories, but also could include positive emotions from cultural interaction, tasting local products from craft producers, talking with local people, sustainable support.
More about solidarity & volunteer tourism Volunteer Tourism |

Cultural exhibition of Ukrainian motanka’s in Japan
Cultural diplomacy. Proud to be Ukrainian co-organizer of this charity project in Japan. 1st in series of cultural charity exhibitions “100 motanka’s for Peace” in Japan just finished. More to come.
We are extremely thankful to Ms.Anna Inoue from Japan, who initiated and fulfilled this project. She is main engine and soul of it.
Project includes several exhibitions, master-classes for cultural exchange: making motanka’s in Japan and making origami in Ukraine, master-classes as art-therapy for children in shelters for temporary Ukrainian refugee and charity fundraising for Ukrainian children.
We highly appreciate of contribution of all people, supported the project, especially all the masters, who provided their master-pieces.
On the way we met fantastic people with their moving stories, how they make motanka’s during 1st days and weeks of war, how they made master-classes in metro, which was/is bomb-shelter for families, who lived there in 1st week’s of war. It was both heartbreaking and inspiring. We learned a lot about motanka’s and happy about this cultural wave.
They do impressive things with really powerful messages, including beautiful projects like map of Ukraine with motanka’s and important about the history: “War chronicles by dolls”, “Story of Crimean Tatars”, “Unborn babies: story of Holodomor (huge artificial famine in Ukraine, made by soviets), really powerful things. We recommend you to visit these exhibitions in Ukraine or organize such exhibition in your country.
We will be happy to assist you to arrange cultural exhibitions in your country.
More about this project here: 100-motankas-for-piece | Ukrainian Art-experience (
Photo: dolls provided by masters, which participate in this charity project

Humanitarian aid to socio-rehabilitation center for children in Kharkiv
These days our colleagues and partners have arranged another delivery of humanitarian help to support Ukrainian children.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our partners
Michelle Welsh from Dreamovator who initiated this project
and Dominic Welsh from FactaNV Solutions, who made this all real.
That’s so important for us that our partners continue to collect and deliver aid to Ukraine
The most vulnerable category in this war is children. After psychological trauma’s, received during regular bombings in Kharkiv, some of them continue living in shelters for months.
Therefore this time our partners decided to send their humanitarian help to Center of social-psychological rehabilitation of children in Kharkiv, where #children not only receive psychological help, but also live now.
More than a tonn of essentials: clothes & shoes for upcoming autumn season, sanitary items, long-term food – that’s so much valuable for them.
We highly appreciate efforts of all people and companies, who made this happen
Huge respect for all that these organizations, which keep doing in the name of humanity and kindness:
✅️ Dreamovator Ltd
✅️ FactaNV Solutions
Thank you for standing for Ukraine
We know what we are fighting for and we are stronger together with you.
If you want to follow steps of these companies and deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine, we will be happy to help to coordinate the process.
Thank you for solidarity with Ukrainians

We are nominated for World Travel Awards
Ukrainian Incentives DMC was nominated as Ukraine’s Leading DMC again 😊
We won this World Travel Award in 2020-2021 and Ukraine was not playing in 2022.
Help us to get this award in 3d time:
And we’ve been nominated as Ukraine’s Best MICE Organiser 2023.
Support us by voting for us at World MICE Awards:

Is MICE in Ukraine lying down?
MICE industry of Ukraine in podcast for MICEboard
Our director Marina Antonyuk tells some up-to-date details on MICE industry of Ukraine in podcast for MICEboard
You can see news from UA everywhere, but mostly about general situation about Ukraine and frontline, however each industry has its own insights and this was our main topic in talk with Peter Cramer recently
Listen podcast:
MICE Board about solidarity & volunteer tourism
Our page at MICE Board:
Solidarity event in Byshiv community, Kyiv region
We continue to make solidarity events to support communities in Ukraine to build a better future.
Together with Network of development of Solidarity & Volunteer tourism we visited Yablunivka village in Kyiv region. Here mushroom & hazelnuts farm became a great support center during full-scale war. They delivered 60 tons of mushrooms in first months of war for free to feed warriors and also distributed mushrooms among locals for free.
Here we participated all together in:
-> preparing and packing ingredients for dry soups for Armed Forces of Ukraine with careful guidance by BeeTa Страви Переможців.
Ingredients, local fresh greens: parsley, dill, leek were brought by local people from own gardens. Mushrooms from this farm. All together we packed 3500 portions of dry borsch and dry mushroom soup.
-> weaving camouflage nets for the frontline
-> procurement of spring water for the Nikopol community
–> purchase of dry feed for animals for a shelter, where some evacuated animals from the Kherson region were placed
-> making a solidarity mural “Yabluniv Volunteer Ark” from an ordinary water tank
-> create Victory angels from straw during art master-class
As a bonus we learned a lot about mushrooms during farm tour and enjoyed outdoor lunch with locally grown products: grilled mushrooms and vegetables, buckwheat with mushrooms and local hazelnuts (never thought about adding nuts to buckwheat before, but it is really great), borsch and local traditional pies (karavai).
Buying services from local craft producers, art masters, small F&B services, you support local communities a lot. And it is very sustainable. Plus it creates great atmosphere, so everyone can relax, recharge and enjoy the moments of life despite of everything. Despite of loud today night, full of explosions. Despite news, full of death. Such moments gives power to move forward. We know, what we are fighting for. For Life, where local communities live happily together in prosperity, respecting everyone around.
Our main lesson from IMEX 2023
Ukrainian Incentives team were exhibiting this year at IMEX in Frankfurt.
IMEX is one of main important for MICE and Meeting Industry exhibitions.
Main thing for us about this IMEX2023 that tourism is changing its role.
It’s not a quick process, but it is already unstoppable. Travellers and companies and corporates, who arrange MICE events – they all want to create legacy. People and companies want make a positive impact.
And this is the message, which Ukraine brought this year at IMEX.
2 cities, represented at IMEX this year: Lviv and Kyiv.
LVIV moto can be seen on the booth: let’s create legacy together. And it is a very deep meaning there.
Lviv opened 2 centers for rehabilitation of Ukrainian warriors, where they put prostheses. And it is really HUGE need in it with everything, what is going on at the frontline in Ukraine.
One of them, UNBROKEN is for 10000 warriors and it is already highly overloaded.
Medical experts from around the world come to volunteer from several days to several months in this center. So if you know medical experts, who can be interested abd can help, please, spread the word.
KYIV region is a pilot for solidarity & volunteer tourism, which is new way of responsible travel, when people come NOT ONLY for see beautiful destination (which Ukraine definitely is), but also to show solidarity with Ukrainian people and help communities and territories, suffered from war.
This was the topic of our presentation at IMEX. If you missed it, but want to know more, you can find information here:
Important now to tell MICE planners and corporate clients for this way of meaningful travel, so they can start thinking now in order to come to Ukraine tomorrow.
We are part of Ukrainian projects at Eurovision in Liverpool
Seems that’s it’s only days since we all were on the wave of Eurovision Song Contest and voted for favourite songs. Liverpool made an absolute great job, hosting Eurovision-2023 on behalf of Ukraine.
Ukrainian song and participation was very symbolic for us with song “Heart of Steel”, telling the story about Azovstal and Ukraine with global message “Open Your Heart for Ukraine”.
Ukrainian Incentives is very proud to be part of this project of “Brand Ukraine”, which represented Ukraine at Ukrainian village in Liverpool with great activities:
– Interactive installations and photozone with 37000 visitors, willing to know about Ukrainian culture
– tasting Ukrainian traditional dishes, including famous borsch, vareniki and chebureki from Crimean tatars, native people of Crimea
– digital campaigns “Open Your Heart for Ukraine” and “theUnityWave”
We’ve arranged logistical support for Brand Ukraine team and very proud of our cooperation!

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